Saturday 4 May 2024

Steroids: What is steroids, Types, Example of corticosteroids, Uses, Mode of action, Side effects, Contraindications, Different forms of steroids

What is steroids:

   Steroids are a type of drug which mimic the functions of naturally produced hormones of body like a testosterone, androgen, adrenal gland hormones etc. Steroids used to treat hormonal imbalances, inflammation or inflammatory reactions and autoimmune disorders and reactions in the body. However, some athletes and bodybuilders misuse steroids to increase their performance and appearance of body. Which can lead to serious health issues and side effects. 

Types of steroids:

   Steroids can broadly categorized into two main types: Corticosteroids and anabolic steroids. Corticosteroids is mostly used in inflammatory conditions due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Anabolic steroids used by an athletes, players and bodybuilders to increase their performance and for an attractive looks. Anabolic steroids are synthetic variations of the male sex hormone testosterone.

Examples of Corticosteroids:





● Hydrocortisone 


  ■ Corticosteroids:

Steroids is also known as a Corticosteroids due to its wide range of uses. Corticosteroids work by it's anti-inflammatory properties. Corticosteroids is used to treat allergic reactions, rheumetoid arthritis, asthma, inflammation, inflammatory bowel disease, skin diseases like a eczema, psoriasis and  dermatitis, autoimmune disorders like a lupus erythematosus. They suppress immune system's anti inflammatory response to reduce a swelling, pain and redness.

   ■ Anabolic steroids: 

Anabolic steroids used by an athletes to increase their performance and by a bodybuilders to inhance their body's physical appearance. This is illegal and lead a serious health consequences like a cardiovascular problems, liver damage and hormonal imbalances. It is important to approach athletic training and performance enhancement safely and ethically.

Mode of action:

   Steroids act primarily by binding to specific receptors inside cells and altering gene transcription. This can lead to changes in protein synthesis, metabolism, immunological response and various physiological processes. They can also have non-genomic effects like a altering cell membrane properties or affecting signaling pathways. 

Side effects:

   A number of side effects, such as mood swings, acne, weight gain, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of infections are associated with steroids. Prolonged usage may result in more severe conditions such diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. It's crucial to use them under medical supervision and follow doses guidelines carefully. 


   Steroids have a number of contraindications especially when taken as medication. Among them are:

  • Allergies: 

Steroids should not be taken by anyone who is known to be allergic to any of their various components.

  • Active Infections:

The immune system may be suppressed by steroids, which makes it more difficult for the body to fight infections.

  • Some Medical Conditions: 

Steroid use may aggravate some medical conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, and glaucoma.

  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

 Steroids can have a negative impact on foetal development and can find their way into breast milk during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  • Psychiatric disorders: 

Depression and psychosis are two examples of psychological disorders that steroids may make more severe.

  • Peptic Ulcers: 

The risk of gastrointestinal bleeding and peptic ulcers is increased by steroids.

  • Viral Infections: 

Herpes simplex is one viral infection that steroids possibly increase.

  • Recent Vaccination: 

Steroids can interfere with the immune response to vaccines, so they are usually avoided shortly before or after vaccination.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting or stopping any medication, including steroids to ensure safety and appropriate use.

Different forms of steroids:

   Steroids can come in various forms including oral tablets, injectables, creams, gels and patches. Each form has its own advantages and disadvantages and they may be used for different purposes such as medical treatment or performance enhancement in sports.


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